Friday, September 4, 2009


Yes, I am writing this on Friday night. And yes, like most people, it is the close of a long work week. However, I find myself on this Friday night, not just tired from the workweek... but the summer as a whole.

Back in June we had a small fire in our church building which caused major smoke damage throughout. As a result, we have been able to repaint and refloor most of the building. But, construction projects, even when you're not having to do ALL the work are VERY tiring.

To be honest, I'm kind of burnt out. I'm burnt out on pulling carpet, pulling tack strips, carying lumber, running to the Depot, and walking around to see the progress! Hopefully in the next two weeks we'll be done.

The light is on at the end of the tunnel. Carpet will be laid soon, and I CAN'T WAIT!

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