Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Advent 1b (HOPE - worry to wonder)

Advent 1b (HOPE – worry to wonder)
November 27, 2011                                  Mark 13:24-37

In our culture – we don’t like to wait…
* Fast lane on the freeway              * Fast cars
* Fast pass (at Disneyland)            * Black Friday (on Thursday)

Christmas Season – is a painful process of waiting.
            Asking for gifts – (I really hope I get new flip flops)
-       I want to ask Bree to make sure I get em
            Giving gifts – (I don’t want to wait 4 weeks to give)
-       I want to give as soon as I buy…

As we hope – we can begin to WORRY.
We are impatient people living in an impatient world
            Our impatience can cause worry…
                        (Buying on layaway, on credit…)

Question: What is the value of waiting, if we rush & get all we want?

First Sunday of Advent:
            Start of the New Year (in the church)
            Four Sundays leading up to Christmas
            Advent means = Coming, Preparing, Waiting
-       It is an ACTIVE WAITING

In our culture, why do we get engaged before marriage?
§  There is work to be done!
- Premarital counseling, Soul searching, Planning
§  There is a lot of work to be done!

Gospel text today from Mark 13
            24-27   describes how Christ will come (2nd time)
            28-33   tale of the fig tree – there are signs
            34-37   tale of the servant – watch

So – Why these texts on the first Sunday of Advent?
            Where’s the story? Where’s the manger?
            Where are the animals? Where’s Baby Jesus?

The Fig Tree:
The hope of the season is found in Christ’s arrival
Ø  but these texts also draw our attention to his DEATH.
Ø  and subsequent RETURN

This is the season of pies
§  Before a pie is made – there has to be harvest
§  Before a harvest – there must be a planting
§  The very function of harvest – is plucking
§  Plucking = death (killed)
¨      ie= Jesus!

§  We are impatient people living in an impatient world…
            And we rush to get what we want!
§  But during this season we are called to
Ø  slow down and wait, reflect, be patient.

But waiting can cause us to be anxious! We get nervous.

Anxious: not because of worry –– but because of excitement

    Philippians 4:6 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  

      (NLT) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Difference between Anxious and worry –
v  Seeing & hearing Christmas before Thanksgiving:
Ø  Annoying?  – yes in some ways
§  But at the same time VERY EXCITING
§  How cool that our culture wants to CELEBRATE!
Our worry must turn to wonder. (MUST turn to excitement!)
Our anxious heart must draw us to wonder
- at God’s grace        - at the Cross

The hope of the season: found in the excited/expectant waiting.

May we not fall asleep – but be anxiously anticipating
May we receive the gift of life.
May we give the light of the World! 

As you go, Be filled with the anxious excitement of Hope! Go and Love!

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