Monday, March 12, 2012

Lent 3B - What's your Marketplace

Lent 3b      March 11, 2012
John 2:13-22     What's your Marketplace

In our culture - we often hear about selling out?
o   How do people sell out?
o   How have/are you Selling out?

v On September 25, 2011 the Gospel Text was: Mathew 21. The same story-line found in this week's passage from John. 
v With that text, we looked at the Authority of Christ... 
§  That Sunday was the first time that we had our sanctuary seats "in the round" - based upon Jesus coming into the temple and messing things up - we had our seats in the circle around the communion table.
§  That morning I asked the question: Have you given Christ the Authority to mess things up in your life?

Quote to remember: 
"The business of business is people pleasing, 
     The business of the Church is transformation."

This week - similar story, but we will be looking at the piece in the text where Jesus says:
 "Stop turning my Father’s house into a marketplace!" 

          What images does a Marketplace bring to your mind?
          - Israel '99

1.    I found it really interesting how the Jewish people, or at least the Jewish religious system was (either for ease or because of corruption) selling access to forgiveness.
2.    Then we find within church history several hundred years later… we too sold access to forgiveness. (LUTHER) = 1500's
3.    then several hundred years later, we can see it again as churches were selling places of dignity. People could buy their pew. (Methodist...) (which is part of why the Naz broke out right?) = late 1800's

Yet the Grace of Christ is Free!
Christ came for Transformation 
          - and he didn't set a price tag along with it

The Jews, the Catholics, the Protestant Christians – we have all found ways to place limitations and restrictions upon that which God intended to freely give.

v We're not selling animals for sacrifice.
v We're not selling pardons for sins, or the chance out of purgatory...
§  But sometimes our emphasis is on the wrong thing.
·        we get so involved in the "practicalities" of worship, buildings and activities
·        that we forget the "Heart of Worship"

Sometimes we sell-out.
          Churches across the country – that (perhaps inadvertently) put limitations upon entrance into the community.
          - Hipster Church
          - Cowboy Church

Jesus takes the story of the Temple and the Marketplace a step forward as he says the BODY IS THE TEMPLE.

If that is the case:
Ask yourself this question: What's my "Marketplace"?

I came across that great quote last week: 
     “The business of business is people pleasing, 
     The business of the Church is transformation.”

v It's easy to get into the practice of "people pleasing"
§  A lot of us don't like conflict.
§  A lot of us want to be liked.
¨      But - Jesus didn't come to please all!
¨      He didn't come pleasing the religious. 

"The business of business is people pleasing”
·        Jason bought a burrito; it came with a rubber band.
·        They gave him a free meal the next time
“The business of the Church is transformation"
·        How are you different?
·        How are you changing the world?

v This statement for me: begs the question
§  Who are we here for?
¨      The Who, What, Where, When, Why

The things we do, our practices; Are they people pleasing?        - Are they designed to our liking?

Ø  If we believe Christ (and his Church) is for Transformation - then the things we do and our practices -- are not for us. 

v What would it be like if the things we did were not geared toward those who are already attending... but for those who ARE NOT.
§  Who would be coming?
¨      Who would we be geared for?
§  What would be different?
¨      What would the gathering be like?
§  Where would we meet?
¨      Where would they come from?
§  When would we meet?
¨      When would they want to meet?
§  Why would we meet?
¨      Why would it matter?

v How is our language, gatherings, & systems?
§  how are they inadvertently turning the temple into a marketplace 
§  when we ourselves have received that which is free. 
¨      GRACE!
§  GRACE is free!

How is your life,
How are you, as the Temple of God - working for the Transformation of others?

As you go, May the Transforming Grace of God flow freely from your life. Go and Love.

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